Growth, Repression & Destruction

Endless growth, rigorous repression & wretched destruction. An attempt to abstractly visualize the spread and effects of cancer. The interactive element can be used to add, modify or destroy objects and the associated website contains information about cancer and how this disease works.

Made in 2018 for a propaedeutic course in Visual Communication at the ZHdK led by Franziska Burkhard, Thomas Gfeller and Julia Marti.
Scripts: Particles.js by Vincent Garreau, Circle-Square Hover Effect by Matt Beaudry, Fireworks v2 by Pascal Mathis. Check out for more great scripts! Website: Template Zipper by tooplate

Growth, Repression, Destruction, Cancer, Abstraction, Circle, Square, Line, Interactive, Particles.js, JavaScript, Website, HTML, CSS

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